
Psychological Counseling

We all have ups and downs. Individual counseling helps us understand ourselves and others. We may identify and adopt more appropriate thoughts and behaviors to tackle the problems, making it possible to find more effective ways to face our inner world.

Our therapists are well trained and have worked at different settings including non-profit organizations, schools, clinics and private sectors. They have extensive experience in working with various sorts of psychological, emotional and behavioral problems and disorders including but not limited to:

• Depression

• Bipolar disorder

• Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

• Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD)

• Social anxiety disorder (SAD)

• Social skills training

• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

• Panic disorder

• Somatic symptom & related disorder

• Adjustment issues

• Anger and stress issues

• Self-esteem and confidence issues

• Complicated grief

• Addictive behaviors

Psychological Assessment

Standardised psychological assessments and analyses may cast light on the origin of psychological and emotional problems to form more adaptive coping strategies. Two of the standardised assessments provided include:

• DISC Personality System analysis administered by DISC Certified Behavioural Consultant will help you know your strengths and dimensions to be improved. Besides betterment of communication and relationships, enhancement of work and study can also be achieved.

• Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis (T-JTA) is a psychological assessment tool that measures personality traits associated with personal, interpersonal, scholastic, and vocational functioning and adjustment. It helps you (and your partner) to better understand your attributes, so that you can appreciate, empathize, accept and accommodate to each other, achieving a healthier relationship.